Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Drawing Down The Bones - Pen & Ink by Loree Harrell

The Totems Series: " The Studio"
14 x17 pen & ink
Loree Harrell; 2003
Original 14x17 pen and ink drawing with metallic accents. 'The Studio" is grounded on the lower right with my wonderful studio in The Historic Springdale School, with images of Nadine and King, my two doggish studio companions, keeping watch from the left. Ziggy is also in there, as he was visiting at the time (Ziggy was a hummingbird that spent a week hovering around the outside of the window, trying to get in to all the bright colors. Finally, one fine July day, he came in the school door, buzzed right in to my classroom, and volunteered to spend almost two weeks with me, living on store hummingbird food, before he flew back out the open window. He visited me regularly for the next two years.). The rest of the images are for you to define. Completion of the five initial works in this series took the entire month of July, 2003, and they were the first drawings where I really found my rhythm. The other completed drawings in this Series are sold.. This work is completed on Strathmore smooth drawing paper, 14x17, signed and dated on the front and reverse, and series and work titled on the back. copyright 2003; Loree Harrell
Original for sale: $350.00
11x14 signed & numbered prints: $40.00.


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