Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Full Moon Rising

At the end of a long and warm midsummer day, she went walking, two much-loved dogs running out ahead or nosing around behind, as the moment dictated. The sun was setting in a spectacular glow of red, and she tried to remember if that was sailors' delight, or sailors' be warned, finally deciding it mattered not much either way as it was unlikely she would be out on the sea tomorrow.

They walked the quiet road for miles, as dusk fell and frogs and crickets began their evening symphony, enjoying the freshening evening breeze and the simple joy of one step to one step to one step.

And when they turned finally towards home, there in the darkened sky, was a full moon rising.

copyright Loree Harrell; 2006

Full Moon Rising is a 2006 11x14 woodstain on Strathmore coldpress watercolor paper. The original is currently available (250.00). Signed and consecutively numbered prints are also available (8x10 - 20.00; 11x14 - 28.00; 16x20 - 45.00). Contact me at for more information!


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